Due to the favourable position of Crikvenica and its being sheltered from strong winds - from the north thanks to the slopes of the mountain of Kapela and from the
south thanks to the island of Krk-its climate is mild and relaxing. The characteristics of the climate of this region are dry, fair and pleasantly warm summers and mild winters with a healthy local system of winds. The
amplitude between the average annual temperature maximum and minimum is small. The centenary average of temperature is 14.2°C, and the average summer temperature is 23.6°C. Snow, fog and a temperature below 5°C are very
rare. The temperature of the sea reaches in summer not more than 27°C. The sea air distinguishes itself by purity and by dispersed desirable oligominerals and there are no noxious pollen allergens or waste gases. Among
the biometeorological data it is important that the TWH index (relation between temperature, speed of the wind and humidity) expressed as the feeling of pleasantness is very favourable for the most part of the year. .